This is the fully completed collection of character key artwork done for my Grail thesis project. These are many of the significant players within the narrative I'm developing. The framework of the Grail story is loosely based on Arthurian legend. Because of this, many of the characters are adaptations of figures mentioned classic Arthurian literature.

Ghent - Knight Killer
Merian - Young Mage

Sir Galahad - Brave Knight

Sir Merlin - Sorcerery Knight

King Arthur - God's Knight
Queen Guinevere - Broken Queen

Sir Lancelot - Shining Knight

Sir Gawain - Green Knight

Sir Percival - Blazing Knight

Sir Ector - Meteor Knight

Sir Lamorak - Blood Knight

Sir Gareth - Gale Knight

Sir Bors - Blizzard Knight

Sir Tristan - Mystic Knight

Sir Gaheris - Molten Knight

Sir Kay - Venom Knight

Sir Geraint - Dune Knight

Sir Bedivere - Holy Knight

Sir Ywain - Lion Knight
Sir Pellinore - Swamp Knight
Sir Mordred - Shackled Knight

Morgan - Shadow Mage

Sir Agravain - Dragon Knight

Dagonet - Foolish "Knight"